Wednesday, October 9, 2013

tripping. (it's bloomin' terrible mate!)

excerpt from the discourses of Joel "Toast" Elliott:
September 27.
dramatis personae:
Cannon, Joel, and assorted nincompoops.
'twas a dark and quite cold night this e'entide, me mates and i decided to go to the park, to perform some 'mazing feat of acrobatics, called by the name of "night games" t'was a wet and dewy nine 'o clock when we played the game of "a strange apparition in the graveyard!" Cannon lost the draw, and was hastily "killed" and sent to the graveyard to "die" i, trying to live up to my nickname of "toast" ('twas nay the best idea.) rushed forward, soon flushing the apparition out of the "graveyard" and hence, got chased all the way back to the "safe" zone (being the dum boys we were/are, we chose a wet table) normally when running away from the ghost the practice is to run up the bench on to the top of the table. i, being the fastest (tis true!) reached it first, jumped onto the wet bench, my foot slippeth, my other knee followest close behind, and low and behold! hits the bench, (i had a rather large bruise for the next few days) just enough to make me cry "medic!" (and roll on the ground for a bit) i did not take in to account that i am the medic, so there was no aid. (except laughing of course).
i can tell of numerous examples where tripping has ended my time in all sorts of games, (fencing, tag, border patrol, airsoft, duct tape swords, black ops, etc...) but the most amazing thing happened yesterday! tripping saved my life during two ball tag! both of the khybers were chasing me, they were chasing me to the far edge, they both throw, i slip on the woodchips (they aren't stable!) pull a ninja twist and both of the thrown dodgeballs fly past and i take off! it was amazing! it went down in ------- parkour history (written by me... to be posted in installments here on this blog) )as the greatest (non-injuring) mistake ever! (the other one, was when McClain was chasing the Ginger ninja III during one ball tag, the ginge tripped on the cement and hurt his knees, as he's lying on the ground Mac throws the ball and misses! from two feet away!) although if you can pull of a trip as a meant to do action, (for instance, turning it into a roll halfway through so it just looks awesome) it ends up pretty good. but i've only been able to do that a few times.

coming soon, how to be a pro at ------ park games.
comment below if you would like to learn how to be a (park) medic!


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